Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Craft Show Ever.... aka. Why Did I Waste My Time?

Ok. so i worked and worked and worked to make things for my craft show...my debut to the non-internet world and sold a whopping.... duh duh duh...$33 Dollars. When you count that my table was $20 I feel like an idiot. But i know it was a learning experience and not my right demographic and the 101 degree heat didn't help but i can't help but be bummed!

Look how cute my table was!!!

Some close ups of my stuff...

And my poor mom who came and baked in the sun with me for 6 hours...

So due to the disappointment of all that i am taking a crafting vacation of sorts... just kind of bopping along.

And sorry to those of you who really read this... i am now at the parents house on Cape Cod, and let me tell you, time moved really weirdly here... the pace of life is a complete 180 from Boston, so posting has been...well, pathetic but i will try to improve!!!


Sleepless Stitch said...

sorry things didn't go so well. I haven't done a craft show yet...I am nervous that the same thing will happen. Don't be bummed though, hang in there...things always get better. :)

Little Woman said...

Hi Sleepless!

I agree...even though it was such a bummer... i think if anything i am waiting for Christmas fairs because it is the season people HAVE to shop during :)

Sidewing Creations said...

I haven't done a table yet, but donated some of my jewelry to my church's table at a craft fair. It did ok, but not great. I thought your presentation looked good and from what I have heard it kind takes time getting your name out there on the circuit and finding the right fairs for your stuff. At least now, your ahead with your inventory! :)