Monday, June 23, 2008

Another VERY overdue post! Sorry for being a bum...

Ok, so i really don't know why posting has been such an issue for me... i have been a lazy bum i guess... I started the ice cream truck on Wednesday, and have today off because it is hazy and gray outside. I hope the weather picks up because it has been SLOW, but it isn't ridiculously hot yet and the summer did just officially begin. I will be posting pictures of the truck soon but have been just trying to get used to driving it first :)

but here are the last 3 AWESOME etsiers who sent items in (sorry i was so late blogging about your awesome-ness)

Risky Beads sent this crazy magnet that is awesome

and some great necklaces! She even has her own post-its which is just too cute!

And Jodi's Craft Emporium sent these awesome crocheted washcloth/coasters! I love the bright colors!

And last but not least is Mitsel8

who made this awesome wooden painted sign, which it just adorable!

Sorry again about my late posting and I hope your all having a great summer :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Craft Show Ever.... aka. Why Did I Waste My Time?

Ok. so i worked and worked and worked to make things for my craft debut to the non-internet world and sold a whopping.... duh duh duh...$33 Dollars. When you count that my table was $20 I feel like an idiot. But i know it was a learning experience and not my right demographic and the 101 degree heat didn't help but i can't help but be bummed!

Look how cute my table was!!!

Some close ups of my stuff...

And my poor mom who came and baked in the sun with me for 6 hours...

So due to the disappointment of all that i am taking a crafting vacation of sorts... just kind of bopping along.

And sorry to those of you who really read this... i am now at the parents house on Cape Cod, and let me tell you, time moved really weirdly here... the pace of life is a complete 180 from Boston, so posting has been...well, pathetic but i will try to improve!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Maine Vacation

Hi is another overdue post! Here are pics of me and the boy in Maine! We stayed near Bath in a tiny town called Phippsburg. It was so nice to be able to get away especially since now he is living on the Cape being an ice cream man! I start my truck on June 18th but until then am alone in our apartment... it is kinda sad... ok, really sad because i miss him like crazy pants but i have been busy since my FIRST CRAFT SHOW EVER is Saturday the 7th!!!!

ok, here are the pics... :)

The boy Squinting in the sun :)

The boy being coy! he is such a cutie patootie!!!

Me acting goofy making things for my craft fair!!!

Me with a finished fishie!!! I have 10 made now :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

a VERY overdue post

Hi everyone!

Sorry i have been neglectful to my blog. I finished up my internship and then immediately went to the cape for my birthday and then Maine for a vacation and now am crafting up a storm for my first craft show on Saturday the 7th! As you can imagine it has been very very hectic here!

But i decided to post because i NEEDED to let you know about some of these awesome etsiers who sent in things for the truck :)

Gayle from whatshername sent cute tags and seashell magnets! Don't you love her gorgeous business cards! In her store she has great fabric goods and beautiful pressed flowers made into bookmarks and magnets! A must see :)

Buffalo Nerd
sent an awesome iPod Cozy!!! I LOVE the fabric, it is so fun and fresh. She has a lot of other great cozies in her store and awesome things for the science nerd in your life! Plus she has great bags made from up-cycled goods!

Kung Fu Cowgirl sent me some AWESOME STUFF THAT I AM IN LOVE WITH!!!!! How perfect are these earrings for me! I can't wait to wear them in the truck, i just know little kids will love them :)

Also the cards and magnet calendar are sooo cute! i am going to stick the calendar in my truck! Go check out her shop! it is adorable :)

And last but not least is Ioulia!!! Can you believe how GORGEOUS that necklace and earrings are that she sent me?!?! I just know people will be asking about them and wanting their own! Plus once her cards are up on the vine i know they will catch peoples eyes! I love how professional they look and how well the pictures are done! i wish i had pics that good for my plushies :) Her jewelery is not only gorgeous but it is also affordable! Check it out today!

Well now i am off to work on some plushies for Saturday! Have a good day :)