Monday, March 31, 2008

Goodbye Miss Peenalope

So, i am very bad about updating...especially when i am busy at work and working 55 hour weeks...

So there is a lot to write about...

1. Penelope was sent to etsy seller LeasLetters (!!! I bid on an item and was chosen to make something before i sold her, but this was my first sale of something i made and someone saw and wanted, rather than a custom order. So, all in all i am sad to see her go, but i am happy she is going to a good home. The buyer said she would send me a pic of Penelope in her new home, so check for penelope updates!

This is me saying "bye" to miss peenalope!

2. I am making pretty good progress on the katamari... i only have i item left to stitch up, and 1 left to make and then all i need to do is make the prince's cousin! I am eager to have it all done so i can post pics of it... i don't want to post any until it is done and ruin the surprise!!

3. I bought a new craft cart for my craft room!!! It was $14 and has 5 drawers. I have one for ribbons, one for stickers and stamps, one for paper goods, one for supplies and one for sewing notions. I also bought craft pants when i went to target. they are nick and nora and have symbols/pictures of foreign countries on them. they are like travel pants.

My other half has started his own craft project after a very long hiatus. He is working on a puppet with a mature theme... We set up a folding table in the craft room and we spend most of saturday night there together. I like spending time with him and him crafting motivates me to work on my own projects...

***Also, most recent news is that i am an Aunt again! As of around 8pm last night i have a new nephew, which resulted in a mad dash of creating a baby friendly stuffed elephant named Elio. ****

STAY TUNED FOR PICS...I will update this with them once i am home!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Down in the Dumps

so work isn't going that well... it is really getting me down. and i am just feeling lackluster...

i am trying to promote on etsy and see if people like my stuff, but i feel like they don't... i know, i am being a one person pity party.

I just renewed penelope on etsy...trying to draw some new people in, but to be honest i feel like that is cheating and it is increasing my funk.

on a better note work on my katamari is going better! i went back to Joann Fabrics and got circular velcro tabs and sewed them on orange felt circles which i will attach to the ball... it is starting to take a katamari shape!

I just need it to be tomorrow night tonight... i look foward to the weekends a lot, but this weekend i have to go to my parents and that makes me sad because the other half will stay home :(

i am going to go and try to cheer up!

Ps. Look at my etsy mini! i am becoming more computer saavy every day!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Katamari=lump, mass, clod, cluster

Ok, so VERY exciting news!!!

I made my first sale on etsy!... well, it wasn't really a sale...i bid on making something in the alchemy section of etsy and the person chose ME! How exciting is that! She had 4 other offers and chose ME!!!

I am really wayy too happy about this!

I think the best thing is that it is something i am really excited to make! I may make a few more after i finish this one! I wish i was home right now sewing away ...

the ball is my progress so far...not bad since i started at 5 last night! i even stitched the 4th side and now need to work on the items for it! Do you see its katamari-ness??

I am most worried about making the little guy and making him look good... i want to make sure that the recipient is happy! :)

Wish me luck on an authentic katamari!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Penelope... the Post about the Girl with the Goat Legs...

This is Penelope... here is her story:

Penelope wants to go into show business. She thinks that she could be a Rockette, if only her legs were a little bit longer. Sometimes she hangs from the tree branch outside her room and has her little sister hang from her ankles to see if she can stretch her legs out. Penelope thinks her name is too boring to be the name of a world wide sensation so she has asked her family and teachers to pronounce her name peen-a-lope, not pen-el-opi. Sometimes the kids at school laugh and say Peen-a-lope sounds weird but she ignores them because everyone who is famous is misunderstood.

Penelope is my baby in a way since she was my first plushie in a loooong time, and my first one up for adoption. I keep thinking i should unlist her and keep her because her face makes me so happy, but then i realize she would waste away on my couch, and to be honest she deserves better... she deserves more love. But i do make fun of her...and her little goat legs :)

First Post Ever!!! Lets see how well this goes...

So here it is, 9:44 am and i am at the office wishing i was home in my PJs with a cup of tea making a face for a new plushie...

I was so sad yesterday night when i realized it was SUNDAY, not Saturday like i had thought all day... Since i have started making things for my etsy store,, i have been having trouble balancing making stuff and spending time just having some R&R.

It has been "better" at work lately since the 55 hour work weeks are back down to around 40-45 but for the past few weeks i haven't had anything, and i mean anything, to do... i have been going batty! I am the type of person who likes to keep busy, and this work load...or lack thereof has left me unsatisfied and cranky, and dying to get home at night to work on something.

At least it has left time during the day to post on etsy forums but no one has bought anything yet, and as naive as i know it is i was hoping for at least 1 sale by now...

I am not really sure thr shape this blog will take, right now i am thinking entries for my creations and then some entires just for/about me...

I love to cook so you may be forced to look at pictures of my creations in the kitchen as well... Of course that is assuming someone other than my boyfriend reads this... I am sure i will be posting again in 5 minutes, especially since i have zip to do!